Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is it a question of intellect that I can quote endless movie lines but not one passage from a book? I don't think it is just me. My husband is also a pop culture quoter (is that a word?) and I don't think he has memorized anything from a book, poem or short story in his life,either. Yet we both can shout out lines from Raising Arizona, Sixteen Candles and Blazing Saddles. So is our (my) generation too dumb to memorize, can we only remember spoken word? This really bothers me because I am an avid reader. And why do we always say "avid reader" ? Why not voracious reader?
It is horribly boring to talk about weather and even worse to blog about weather but I will, anyway. It snowed, again. I know that I am not important enough to be singled out with this wrath of weather but it is really hard not to take personally because I hate it ! My joints are screaming in pain and there is not enough pain medicine in the world to cover me.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's because we watch movies over and over. To Kill A Mockingbird is a fantastic book but not much comes close to summing up racial tensions in America as the new sheriff of Rock Ridge asking the Klan "Where the white women at?"
