Thursday, March 4, 2010

I guess a disclaimer is appropriate, although late. I use a lot of swear words both in my everyday life and here on this blog. I noticed I could flag this for "adult content" but I don't want anyone thinking that I am way into pornography or anything. I just have a problem censoring my language. Mostly, I think it is how I deal with anger. There is nothing like screaming "fuck!"
to get your aggression out. My kids tell me that I use too many swear words, they are right. One of my dad's favorite sayings was, "Profane language is for the unintelligent, those who are not smart enough to come up with other words." My dad was an MIT graduate, I am definitely not as smart as him and I am too tired to come up with a new vocabulary. So, if you are reading this and end up offended, sorry. You really don't have to read this. It is not required.
I am proud to say that I am going to be a volunteer for Animal Protectors. They are a no kill shelter, otherwise I don't think I could handle it. Already I am emotionally preparing myself that I absolutely cannot bring home every dog there. This will be VERY hard. I love dogs. Cats are ok, but I love love love dogs. Probably more than people, no offense to those reading. I start as soon as they have a volunteer training.
For my sicky friends out there I have a blog you might be interested. This is dependent on the fact that anyone is actually reading this, other than my few friends that I have threatened with bodily harm if they don't read my blog! Anyway there is a blog called The Angry Pharmacist that is just wonderful! I was delighted to find that someone out there actually hates pharmaceutical reps as much as I do, maybe even more! I will tell why I think drug reps are the dregs of society: they are whores. They cart around their rolling fun box of whatever is the most costly drug that their company is touting at the time, and then they buy off the office staff with coffee and pastries to get in to see the doctors. After the drug whores spend the night before bleaching their teeth and memorizing the doctors' wives and childrens names they go in to our doctor offices bribing them with free pens and "conferences" in Florida. This is all to sell the drugs that just happen to be "the next great thing". Drug reps disgust me. The angry pharmacist makes some good points, and he or she is very funny.

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking about a girl today that went into the pharmaceutical industry. She went to school to become an elementary school teacher, which she did, and moved to North Carolina to take a job. She quit part way through the year and went to work for a pharmaceutical company. She likes money and when she was in her late teens (18 even) she was a stripper who worked parties and did things for money. And she has shiny white teeth which I'm sure she bleaches. So there ya have it: anecdotal proof that Eva is right and all pharmaceutical reps are bleach-toothed whores.
